Friday, December 6, 2013

How to Get Your Mojo Back [+19 Ways to Conquer Fear]

Ready to get your mojo back and start making things happen again?
One of the biggest hurdles to global progress and solving social issues today is that great minds and entrepreneurial talent like yours is being held back and bottle necked by fear.
Some of you may be young fresh, aspiring entrepreneurs that haven’t tested the waters and stepped out to start a venture yet. Others, and from recent surveys, quite a few of those that will read this already have some great career, business and entrepreneurial successes under their belts, but were derailed during the recent crisis years and are having a hard time bouncing forward.
Whatever your story…it’s time to get your mojo back!
The world needs you, your community needs you, people you know need you, God wants you to live to the max and have a positive impact, and you need to do it for yourself too.
Succeed or appear to ‘fail’ (if there is such a thing), it doesn’t matter. There is nothing worse than a life not lived, and years wasted in rot and rust not trying to fulfill your purpose or daring to even stick out your big toe and try.
Whether you feel beaten down from a business loss, family stress, months of fruitless job hunting or something else – it’s time to get your mojo back – and you can!
It All Comes Down to this…
There are many reasons given for remaining in this atrophying and catatonic state. Some of them appear to be really rational.

Yet, there is nothing sadder to see than those that have given up on their dreams. It gets worse when seeing fully able bodied, intelligent, educated, and even moderately well off (if you ate this week, won’t freeze tonight, and have access to any type of water that’s you) individuals lurk in this coma phase for years.
“I don’t want to die tomorrow not having tried.
I might fail 1,000 times or not hit the high personal or business goals I set on time, every time, but if I’m moving I believe that I am doing God’s work and am accomplishing the mission. Even if I am not sure what that really means in the grand scheme of things”
When it all boils down to it; what holds us back from greater isn’t ability or resources; it’s fear.

There’s no other way to explain how such a grand army of elite, good willed, hyper-talented, bright and successful entrepreneurs is allowing themselves to be frozen in place, doubting themselves into burning time like they just scored Michael J. Fox’s DeLorean.

Admit it & Beat it

As with any vice conquering it starts with admitting it.
The same goes for fear. This isn’t a sign of weakness. Admitting it is a sign of strength and the first step in the right direction.

Coach Hitch McDermid who has conquered his own fears in some pretty amazing ways explains that this really isn’t our fault. It’s our basic instincts at work; trying to protect us. 

Just that our ‘fear brain’ doesn’t care if we live miserable, unfulfilled lives as long as we are still breathing. Who really wants to live that life, or die in that mode?

So whether it is fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change, fear of the unknown, of social interaction or embarrassment; own it and start to free yourself.

Yes, at this point most reading this are thinking “that’s easier said than done” – so here are some practical tips from Hitch, author Henri Juntilla, the Bible, and a few more proven methods…

19 Practical Ways to Start Conquering Fear Today:

1. Remember Philippians 4:13
Philippians 4:13 says “All things are possible through Christ who strengths me”. Many Christian entrepreneurs get side tracked and become fearful because they aren’t confident in their own abilities. Remember it isn’t about what you’ve got or not; it’s about what God can do through you – that’s limitless!

2. Recognize How Irrational it is
Some fears have very rational and logical arguments to back them up. Others are pretty irrational when thought through.

3. What’s the Worst Case Scenario?
Building on the above; be realistic about the worst case scenario. Can you live with it? Maybe it isn’t so bad? Maybe even that is better than staying paralyzed by fear. If you can’t handle it – how can you minimize the downside? Insurance? Education? Starting smaller?

4. Take Baby Steps
In Steven Furtick’s book Greater: Dream Bigger. Start Smaller. Ignite God’s Vision for Your Life.
he encourages sometimes starting smaller. Going all-in is exciting, but there is nothing wrong with pacing yourself as long as you are moving in the right direction.

5. Head-On
Of course for some head-on bracing forward and charging through is the most appealing strategy. Ironically; once you give it a shot that big ugly giant often snaps into as effortlessly as the tap at the end of a marathon.

6. Desensitization
In the theme of small steps is desensitization. This works for tackling a fear of public speaking, spiders, heights and virtually anything else.

7. Practice Gratefulness
Practicing just listing everything there is to be grateful for has incredible power. Looking at challenges as opportunities can completely change the game, and this can be an incredibly empowering daily ritual.

8. Learn
Perhaps the solution is just taking time to learn and educate yourself more about the situation. Get the real deal from experts or crowdsourcing sites and put it in proper proportion.

9. Pray
Prayer works. Pray about the situation, for divine intervention and do it on the hour. Even atheists have to acknowledge the power of prayer from a universal law of attraction perspective.

10. Affirmations
Believe in God or not, affirmations are another way to activate and enjoy the power of the law of attraction. Search out quotes or design your own mantras. For example; if it is a fear of public speaking being faced; try repeating “every day I am becoming a more powerful and effective communicator”.

11. Get a Coach
Getting a coach is not a sign of weakness; all the greats from Jesus to the apostles to your favorite business moguls have had coaches.

12. Read
Read more tips and advice on overcoming your particular challenge.

13. Join a Group
Consider joining a group of others with the same general goals. You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised at how many others are facing the same issues but just don’t talk about them. There is power in numbers.

14. Diet
With all the junk that gets into the food supply today and all the junk we are brainwashed to eat it is no wonder that our brains aren’t always operating at their best. Try switching up the diet or even fasting and see the impact it can have.

15. Exercise
Exercise is incredibly empowering. It will make you feel better, stronger, and more capable of tackling anything.

16. Get a New Box
Sometimes all that is needed is gaining a new perspective of the situation. This may just be achieved by changing the way you look at the problem, or what some call “thinking outside the box”. Others recommend “getting a new box”.

17. Model Success
Study the success stories of others and find easy to adopt, proven systems to eliminate risk and guarantee better odds of winning.

18. Just Breathe
Breathing exercises can be far more useful than most realize. The spiritually minded believe this even helps them breathe in more energy and better leverage their higher power.

19. Get Inspired
Get pumped up and inspired to a point where you must take action, and the pain of not leaping outweighs the pain of staying put.

You are Not Alone!
Pick your solution from the menu above, or a few. Also recognize that you are not alone. There are community groups at local churches, online communities like Hitch McDermid’s FearWalk crew where like-minded people come together and walk through their fear together, G-Code Magazine’s team and social networks are here to be leveraged, and God is always there, reaching out too.

Together we can breakthrough and banish those fears so that you can reach your full potential!


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